Thursday, November 22, 2007

Forget me not

Today was Thanksgiving in the US but here in Toronto it was the first day of winter. Not officially mind you but seeing as today was the first winter storm of the season to hit the City of Toronto and the snow actually stuck around for more than an hour I declare it the first day of winter.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketIts also the day when the collective memory of the city draws a blank. Huhhh! The day everyone forgets.

Happens every year but yet when the temperature drops and that white fluffy stuff falls from the sky or worse yet the hard frozen pellets that make everything slippery fall for the first time for the season its like our brains rather than our bodies are frozen and we forget how to act in winter.

We forget how to shovel snow properly. The TTC forgets how to run buses on a schedule. Drivers forget how to drive in bad weather and the accidents pile up on the highways. Some folk forget that you need proper footwear for this weather and that you cant run or walk as fast as you would when the ground isn't all slushy. Some drivers forget that they cant be speeding on the roads as they will splash pedestrians. Some pedestrians forget that they shouldn't walk near the sidewalk's edge if possible as they will be splashed by crazy drivers.

Lots of memory lapses today. GO-trains forgot their schedules, business forgot to raise the heat for their staff in their offices. Folks forgot what they did with those gloves and that scarf and those boots and that jacket. The body forgets what it feels like to be bundled under the heavy layers of clothing keeping you warm but weighing you down.

The collective "Duhh what was I supposed to do here again" struck again today.


Melody said...

Forgetful season, but we bloggers didn't forget to keep checkin' yu blog in hopes of a post. Rollin' back de clock an hour is what ah wouldn't want to forget to do when de seasons change. Happy Thanksgiving, even though CA & US celebrate it on different days. Am also thankful today that your blog's drawin' U back.

Anonymous said...

move back to the caribbean star.

Unknown said...

Looks like the winter is approaching with wide open arms!

Abeni said...

don't forget your warm clothes and to blog:)

Anonymous said...

Blogging is habit forming, isn't it? :)

Lola Gets said...

Well, IM glad to see you back!

SP said...

I forgot what it was like too, but at least I can use being in Florida for 7 years as an excuse! It snowed here too, but don't worry... I didn't even go outside!


Honest said...

Winter sucks which is why most of us forget how to live with the cold and the snow. Glad you're still blogging.

Crankyputz said...

lol well put! It definately is the forgetful day of the year!

Wow your worst than Jay Z at retiring...

Rose said...

Hey there,
Winter there? I'm not looking forward to it here.

neena maiya (guyana gyal) said...

Just thought you might like to know, is nice and warm here, rain drizzle-drizzle li'l bit, but that is okay. Man, if you see this sun!

Dee said...

oh dear, snow.
I'm with bakannal.

Melody said...

If U were still bloggin', I'd prob'ly be readin' Ur review of Alicia's performance wid Chaka an' dem -- or at least about Kanye's breakin' down on stage...

Unknown said...

Wow. All a that 'cause of some snow?

Anonymous said...

Hey JDid,
Dr. D jus passing by to yow you. Hope things not too chilly there.

Jhaldir said...

The only good thing about winter is that you get to actually wear the $200 jacket you bought two years ago but only wear for about 3 months out of the year. If that. I hate winter!

Anonymous said...

Good thing you're not in Europe. US $200 these days will buy you a warm pair of socks, in Europe, after the exchange of the currency into euros, and minus bank charges.