Friday, November 07, 2014


To add injury to insult, a few days after my mum's funeral I came down with chikungunya. Yep talk about joint pain. wow! Was pretty brutal.

Anyways I think I had a milder but more chronic version. Let me explain: my joint pains and fevers only lasted about a day and by the time I was ready to head home it was like having mild arthritis in my knees. However when I got back to Toronto I started getting all the other symptoms which lasted maybe another two weeks.

Still its pretty much gone and has been replaced by my latest illness: sinus infection which is killing me at the moment. 

Where this chicken-gunya thing come from though/ I swear about 40-50 of the people I spoke to i Barbados had had it at some point in the past couple of months and some were still recovering.

I guess the only good thing about having it is that I'm told the virus stays in your system a while so my next visit home in the new year I shouldnt catch it again.

The funeral went as well as could be expected. I'm still not sure what I feel to be honest. I've ben angry, depressed, sad and defiant at times but I still feel like I cant believe my mum is dead. Its still sort of weird.

1 comment:

VirginiaC said...

The Chicken-got-cha" is now rampant on the island, and no one talks about dengue anymore.
Sorry you were ill, the symptoms take a while to go away...hang in there.