Sunday, July 08, 2007


So yesterday was 07/07/07. Sort of in the trend of 06/06/06 and 05/05/05 which passed by in previous years but somehow different.

For one 7 is that supposedly magical mystical number. 7 wonders of the world, God created the world in 7 days (well six but he did relax on the 7th), best of 7 finals, 7 days in a week, David was the 7th son of Jesse, 7 deadly sins, 7 sacraments, the number of heavens in Islamic tradition, the number of notes in a traditional musical scale (ignoring sharps and flats), number of Harry Potter books, 7 days of Kwanzaa, the name of Erykah Badu and Andre 3000's child. Ummm well you get the picture.

So many folks place a lot of power in the number 7.

Yesterday being 07/07/07, a once in a lifetime event and luckiest of all falling on a Saturday meant that there were a ton of weddings as everyone wanted to tie their nuptials on that special day. Eva Longoria finally made Tony Parker Mr Desperate Housewife in what was probably the most noted nuptials of the day but besides them they were literally thousands who got married yesterday. That's pretty cool....well as cool as weddings can be. I mean don't get me wrong its not that I don't like weddings its just that I find that without fail they lead to the onset of chronic cases of marriage which can be a debilitating disease from which many never recover. Anyway that's another blog.

All I'm asking is that say two years from now someone does a study to see how many of those 07/07/07 couples have survived and whether that day was indeed such a lucky day. It would be curious to see what the results are regarding their rate of attrition. Will the divorce rate be indeed lower? Did getting married on that special day somehow impart more into the marriage and I don't mean more debt.

I've got my own opinion on what the results will be but I'll keep them to myself.


Crankyputz said...

it was a rather boring day for me....

Jhaldir said...

Here is the thing though... how lucky can the day be when luck for me might in most cases mean bad luck for someone else. No?

I mean lucky Tony Parker just made Eva Longoria unavailable to some unlucky soul.

Luke Cage said...

lol@ fiyah. Hey J, I never knew a thing about the 7/07/07 thing until that day when it was mentioned on Sportscenter. I was wondering what was the big deal about it. But now that you've illustrated it so colorfully here, well... I guess I'm STILL wondering, what's the big deal about it? -lol- I would love to see the results of such a study in 2 years myself man.

Abeni said...

Wasn't even aware of it myself til I saw or heard it mentioned somewhere. As we well know the date has nutten to do with the success rate

princessdominique said...

People surrender power to everything but themselves. I don't know. I remember 6/6/06 was supposed to end the world or allow something tragic. I don't know, but nothing happened.

Amadeo said...

My man's birthday was that day. I don't know about the other combinations, but I know 7 has meant alot to various people. Like the seventh son of a seventh son was said to be very special.

Anonymous said...

I never put much thought into the numbers and events on those days. Just prayer works for me.

Campfyah said...

just another day on the IRT for me. but there was a baby born in NYC I think that weighted 7lbs 7oZ at 7:07 in the morning. and darn I couldn't play muh number 777 cause dey had all sold out two weeks ago. Well I gine put in mine fuh 888 now.

Anonymous said...

Just posted about this couple minutes ago. Great minds think alike huh?

Miz JJ said...

I am not sure I believe that "7" is a lucky number. I think luck is what you make it. I would love to see a study though on what happens with all those marriages on 7/7/07.

jelli said...

I think you and me share the same opinion on those 07/07/07 wedding.