Monday, November 10, 2008

cigarettes & strollers

I think I've mentioned this before but just in case.

I've always wondered about women (most of the time its mothers i see doing it) out for a walk with babies who are casually smoking while pushing the stroller. It just seems kind of bizarre for lack of a better word.

I mean I aint grudge you your smoke but really does the child have to be that close to your second hand smoke? It just seems counter intuitive to taking the baby out for some fresh air.

And another thing I noticed with strollers is how some parents push them out into traffic way ahead of themselves at traffic lights like stop I'm coming through with a baby. Ok that's all fine and dandy but umm suppose the stroller get hit by a car. I mean its not like the stroller doesn't have an infant in it. Shouldn't you be more careful with how you stick them out into traffic with your assumption that everyone will stop simply because its a stroller. What if they cant stop? aren't you putting that kid in more danger than it needs to be and shouldn't the watchword with a child be caution.


Dee said...

oh my goodness
it's a huge pet peeve of mine also

Campfyah said...

add to the list the mothers/parents who walk a good 5 or more feet ahead of the children and de lil children some as young as 3yrs just tagging along behind.

ruthibel said...

Very good points, including the mothers wo walk miles ahead of their little ones on the streets... I always wonder about that too. What if she look round and the child gone missing?

Somebody needs to make a PSA from this post.

Abeni said...

That's a weird weird behaviour. never really paid attention to the smoking/pushing stroller thing.

What gets me too is adults who are walking with small children and have them on the side where the traffic is.

Anonymous said...

What about the mothers who are bundled up when it's cold outside, but their child isn't even wearing a coat?

Crankyputz said...

Good Observations...I really can't stand when they have kids on a leash....their children not dogs...

Olivia said...

OOh I know!

Whenever I approach a mother with children I pass them on the side of the traffic instead of making them walk on the outside. And then I hope to myself that the mother keeps them on the inside also.

Anonymous said...

Aren't the babies too young to be casually smoking? Just kidding. I know what you mean. I am of the firm believer that if you're going to smoke, you might as well stand in front of a bus, just not with the stroller. Why subject your children and others' kids to second hand smoke?

And with regards to the stroller, it's something I've never noticed before but it's true what you say. I shall keep that in mind when I eventuall have kids.

And finally, thanks for the visit to my blog and for the comment. Keep coming back, eh!

Will said...

yeah i believe that if you want to smoke, and you have kids, you need to adopt a cloak and dagger lifestyle... smoking is something that kids will model after their parents...

Anonymous said...

i hate seeing that too.
i know when i'm with my god daughters or little kids, when i'm walking on the street, or crossing, i put myself closest to the danger. it's just common sense.

neena maiya (guyana gyal) said...

Smoking also causes asthma attacks to those non-smokers nearby.
