Thursday, November 10, 2005

one of those days

Quick Tirade. TTC(subways) had a minor delay this morning on my way in. JUst wonderful. That means I got to b pushed and buffeted by all of those I am so late for work folk on the platform at St George Station.

Actually I usually just take one train to work but recently I'm working at another office which is in the core so I've got to transfer at St George and go to the heart of downtown. And being the observant fellow that I am do you know what I've realized. The business suited folk on the south bound train are the most obnoxious, unmannerly pushy, annoying as all hell people on the subway system. Joe Average on the Bloor line is a hell of a lot more better behaved.

This morning there was this short dude who was pushing and pushing his whole body into me. I was tempted to drop som bows on his ass. Dammit the train just arrived and folks need to get off first. pushing me into a crowded train where folks are trying to come out doesnt help.

So great start to the morning and now I'm here my computer isnt working. Son of a !

Have a great day folk. I miss you guys.


Luke Cage said...

Siiigh.. I remember those days living in NYC. Pushing, shoving, stepping on feet, coughing in people's faces, knocking them over.. gosh. I hope I didn't hurt anybody.. -lmao!!! -have a good one though man. I'm sure it'll get better

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear that. At least tomorrow is Friday.

dorna! said...

Some people just ain't got no brought-up-sy.

Abeni said...

Just give as good as you get!

Radmila said...

You should have just slapped him..(accidentally)like you did the other guy.

Anonymous said...

for the most part, i ride out side the super busy rush hour time - so it's not too bad. but the other day, while waiting off to the side, for the people to exit the train this 'suited' man, rushes right up and squeeze's his a** in before me (and i was right up beside the door). i should have said something - cause he was right up under me. next time.