Life as a shorty shouldn't be so ruff
Wu Tang - C.R.E.A.M
And just when I thought it couldn't get worse than the teenagers giving the little kids weed now comes a story of a woman who decided to give new meaning to the term crack baby by giving cocaine to her 20 month old.
The words hell and hand basket come immediately to mind. Sigh!
Sigh, too many of these stories lately, this morning city was reporting on an ecstasy lab that had kids crushing the stuff for their folks....
Dayum man! This shit makes me sick to my friggin' stomach. There are people in the world who can't have children who would be more deserving of raising kids than these muthaphu@#a's. I tell you man. Makes me so angry I can feel my ulcers act up!
They need to start offering up free comprehensive birth control in the states. Women need to go somewhere and get some Depo shots for free. These people should not be reproducing.
definitely time fuh de Lorde tuh come fuh he world
more like....with gasoline bopots on so they can burn up on the way! I don't have it in me to to read that story.
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