Tuesday, March 27, 2007


There is this old lady who takes the same bus as me sometimes in the morning. She's old and she has some type of disability and she gets on near the end of the route, close to the station.

She always gets one of the seats up front, at least from what I've seen when I've been on the bus, because well I guess folks on my route are actually courteous about the whole courtesy seating business.

The thing is as I've sat near the back and watched, on every occasion when this lady gets on the bus she gets on with some sort of grouse. Its not like folk remain seated and refuse her a seat but as soon as she gets on she starts carrying on, sometimes with profanities about why she deserves a seat and why younger people shouldn't be sitting in the front of the bus. From my vantage point I find the whole thing rather annoying actually and its not even directed at me.

I could see if big hardback, can stand up, people were depriving her of a seat but she is so well known on this route now that all people have to do is see her at the bus stop and they'll start moving from her preferred seating. Yet she continues to make a nuisance of herself when she gets on the bus tongue lashing those who actually got up to make way for her all the way to the station.

Yes I'm sure she's contributed to the city and she's old and we need to be nice to her but shut the bleep up would ya. We know you need a seat, drawing additional attention to yourself and making folk in the front feel uncomfortable helps no one.

I hadn't seen her for quite a while until this morning and there she was back at it again.

To be continued.


Campfyah said...

some old people just miserable so, and maybe that is de onlee time she gets tuh talk tuh somebodie so that is she way of expressing she self..too bad it couldn't be in a more positive way

Luke Cage said...

but shut the bleep up would ya -lmao!!! Damn J. That senior citizen struck a nerve huh brah? Too true. Some of them CAN be pretty callous now. I definitely attribute it to old age, times passing them by and what they were used to back in the day...

Anonymous said...

mean people suck. at any age.

Crankyputz said...

Can you say "CRAZY"...there is another one that gets on at Warden, everytime she starts hollering I put my head down and go to sleep....her fugly attidude does not deserve my seat....(Disclaimer she ain't old, claims to be disabled, but looks pretty able to me....I know I know who am I to judge)

Miz JJ said...

Probabaly just an excuse for her to open her trap. Also, what happened to respecting your elders?? Also, she can not be that disabled if she is getting on the bus every morning and going somewhere.

Amadeo said...

As much as I don't mind giving up a seat...I hate when people avoid the back of the bus and then don't even want to take certain open seats...my seat offering depends on you not passing open ones up.

Abeni said...

lol granny just likes being in charge