Sunday, August 10, 2008

Major Explosion!

Huge explosion of a propane facility in Toronto this morning. Video here. It looks almost like a nuclear bomb went off.

12,000+ people evacuated so far. CP24 has become our local version of CNN in terms of the extensive coverage of the story all day, not sure what happened yet or if there were any casualties but it seems pretty crazy.

The area they evacuated is really big in my opinion. Sheppard to Wilson, Dufferin to Keele. Wow!

Don't think I know anyone who lives in that area but some of the folks who are relating stories on tv right now say the explosion was head as far as Aurora, windows and doors were blown out, one woman says she was blown off her bed.

Firemen still battling the blaze almost 12 hrs after the explosion. Will take a while for the smoke to clear figuratively speaking so that we know what really happened at the plant.

Update: heard one firefighter is without vital signs.


Anonymous said...

Issac Hayes died fro a stroke today!!

Rose said...

Sorry to hear about the fireman. Glad no others were hurt in this explosion.

Mighty Afroditee said...

Yeah - I heard 'bout the explosion on CNN, and some kinda riot in Montreal? What's goin on in Canada this summer???

dalia said...

i was at the boy's and heard it all the way at yonge and eg!