Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Why no photo?

"If you needed a .40-caliber Glock handgun, Jeffrey Tuck was your man.

A sawed-off shotgun? No problem." quoted from the Toronto Star's article on a local gun runner who is facing 12 years in jail.

Also quoted: "Toronto prosecutors yesterday portrayed the clean-cut and seemingly polite Tuck as a major gunrunner who was responsible for fuelling gun violence on city streets."

I'm not saying much here just wondering why the newspapers wont show me a picture of this seemingly mild mannered citizen who was in fact a major criminal? I'm guessing it's cause he doesn't live at Jane and Finch or Malvern or Rexdale or any communities troubled by gun violence over the past year. Probably a 905 (suburban) cat, probably a rich dude, probably not black. There I said it! Maybe I'm thinking too much conspiracy but whenever I see cats portrayed as Joe average, cant believe he's shady types and there is no photo first thing that comes to my head is that dude aint black.

I don't have any proof, I could be dead wrong but hey black men have been draped over the front page for their violent crimes why isn't this dude. Is the gun seller less responsible that the trigger man? Gotcha!

Here's a thought: hand out assists on crimes. If dudes were giving out assists on shootings (an assist is given to the guy passing the ball in basketball or the puck in hockey to the guy who scores) this cat could potentially be the John Stockton of Toronto shootings. (in case you didn't get it John Stockton is the NBA all time assist leader, mind you I could have said Jason Kidd to keep it more current but whatever)

Anyway to me this Tuck guy is a major criminal with his and again I quote "one-stop shopping" and "purchase-to-order" operation selling guns and drugs"

Why cant I see what he looks like? Just cause he appears and I quote again "bookish" doesn't mean he's any less of a criminal.

Oh my bad its called keeping us in the dark. I'm still supposed to believe that these black kids are manufacturing their own glocks and uzis in their apartments and no one outside the community is supplying it. Gotcha!

Yea that's what those photos of black criminals tell us don't they and no I'm not saying that black criminals don't deserve to be shown up for their crimes. I'm just saying fair is fair and if the dude is rich and a gun runner and not black I want to see his photo too.

Well who knows I may be completely wrong, wont be the first time, wont be the last time. Maybe Jeffrey Tuck is black but until I see a photo I wont believe that.


Ananse's Web said...

I totally agree with you on this one. I think he is a white nerdy type, wolf in sheep's clothes.

Urban Sista said...

You know that's true! I really want to see what this dude looks like...

'Clean cut' my eye. Click here.

Miz JJ said...

Wow...white people can get with anything. I just read that article posted by urban sista. He is a gun runner and he killed someone. I bet you he's out of jail in under 5 years. He must be white.

SP said...

I think you are right. It's sad that there is such a double standard. Just because someone is white or from a good area it's always "We can't believe they did this!"

Scratchie said...

Right about the colour or not...if they are crimnal and get caught we should see who it is...

Rev Island said...

I hear you. They must show a picha.

Anonymous said...

White guy, sociopath. Not a nerd, a waste of skin. Think Children of the Damned and you'd be close.
Hell yes, his picture should have been front page. He's already gotten away with murder. Thanks Mr Hicks.

Ravenbajan said...

I don't care what colour he is, if he is being charged of these crimes, there should be a picture of him to go with it. The guy sounds like a real scumbag.

On a side note, I don't think the reason why his picture wasn't shown was because of his colour, but then again who knows? They show white criminals on tv all the time. Tonight's headline news on Global (in TO) was a white sexual predator pig that is back behind bars where he belongs.

I agree with you though, whoever does the crime should have their face plastered on the news.

Abeni said...

Lol,maybe he missed the photo session.

Unknown said...

Yes show wi di photo!

Mad Bull said...

I agree with you... is a white man that.

Brotha Buck said...

Sounds like the Canadian press is alot like the American

Radmila said...

Not only no photo, but already forgotten news.
Quick blurb the other day, and now you can't even find an article about him unless you add extra words on google.
When big news like this disappears quickly, it makes me think about corruption.

Anonymous said...

I'd be willing to put money on the fact that he's white.

You know they don't waste time putting mug shots of black folks on the news!

Hey J, You're a music guy. Do you have an opinion about the Oscar nomination for "It's Hard Out there for a Pimp" from Hustle & Flow?

chrome said...

yup! always the case (and the bit where there's some ish about the person being a minor or whatever). I flicked through some conservative, middle class rag my dad insists on buying and the only head in there was a citizen of crooklyn.

I'll be like Jada. "Why???". rhetorical question with a hypothetical answer

Abby said...

I couldnt just imagine that state as well. I wouldnt be surprised if the fella happens to be white, I could imagine when they went ahead to show high school students' pictures when they had that assault scandal, why not someone that deals with rifles?