Saturday, January 01, 2005

In with the new

Once again Happy New year to everyone.

Was thinking about the significance of the new year last night. Resolutions, Goals feelings of a fresh beginning that sort of thing and I came to a realization which maybe I was slow in reaching.

The new year is really all about promise more than specifics isn't it? Promise of a better day dawning, a new tomorrow, a clean slate, living up to potential (damn I used the P word. You don't know how much I hate the P word).

We (definitely including myself on this one) view the new year as a defining point from which we can make statements like from here on out everything will be different and changes will be made. In the new year I wont smoke, I'll drink less, I'll diet, I'll save more money, spend less, be nicer, gain/lose weight, be more aggressive, take a course, find a new job, new man/woman, put more time into relationships, business, win the lottery etc. (by the way this all made more sense while I was sleeping lol)

The expectations for the new year for most of us are that we will progress. No we don't start over with a nice clean slate or necessarily get a do over but the new year offers a chance for improvement. A new chapter can open in our lives. (ok way too melodramatic)

Anyway what I'm trying to say partially is (beats the hell out of me I juss rambling)yes the new year gives rise to a natural pause in which we can make changes and redefine ourselves but if these things need to be done its not necessary that we wait till the new year to start them next time. Every day should give rise to the same promise that the new year brings. (wuhloss this year start out and I killing the melodrama. Is it me or is it like an afterschool special up in here)

All that lotta long talk just to say this: Promise, expectations, goals all look sharp in the light of the new year. Let them always look sharp and not dim for any of us as the year progresses.

Its 2005, Big Tings a gwan!


Abeni said...

Yes,new promises,new beginnings and feelings of optimism.Then uncertainty too cos you don't know what the new year is bringing.We just have to take it as it comes.

Melody said...

In high school we used to recite, "Each new day lies before you like a path of driven snow; be careful how you tread upon it, for every mark will show." Your post today puts that memory gem in a practical context, Jdid, and that's a great way for all ov us to start de year.

Anonymous said...

Nice post JDid.

You know what many New Years gone by have taught me? I doan waan sound like I plnning to screw up anybody's resolutions, but, I think plenty will agree.....the more things change, the more many remain the same!

Don't go for the fancy, just try to make sensible resoultions....each and every day...make it a way of life. Don't wait for Dec. 31 to come around...I so agree with you. Dr. D.