Monday, April 18, 2005

I don't care

Or ah doan care if you want to pronounce it in Bajan.

What am I talking about? Well more or less I'm just talking about the news these days. Usually I'm somewhat of a newsholic so I like to be up-to-date with all the goings on in the world. Just collecting info I guess. Its just something I've become accustomed to. I'll scour the internet, read the newspaper and watch the news on TV. People come up to me and say oh did you hear such and such happened and I've usually already heard. I got my hand on the pulse. I may pretend I haven't heard or just be like yea I heard but sometimes especially if its an annoying person I always have that option to hit them with "but wait whapart you get that stale news from, you real late den! lol"

But now, for the past couple of weeks I've just been in a news funk. Haven't been checking the news sites, haven't been reading anything besides sports in the newspaper, haven't been watching the morning or nightly news. I blame it on the stupid Terry Schiavo thing. Couldn't turn on the TV at one point without hearing some reference to that case. It was just blanket coverage of what I perceived to be not that major a news item that just started my slippage into a news coma. Ironic isn't it, a woman in a coma put me in a news coma. I'm not trying to diss her news as being insignificant but the overkill was just totally ridiculous in my opinion.

Then there was the Pope thing, again my synopis; Pope sick, Pope dies, Pope buried, Cardinals meet to choose new Pope, ps: he wont be black. Ok so he was a great man and deserves his tributes and accolades but I'll admit that the choice of a new Pope is a significant event but again I am just all Pope-d out. Michael Jackson case, same thing. Did he sleep with them, fondle them whatever I really don't care. Liberals money scandal here in Canada; big deal, its not like we didn't know that politicians are shady. Come on now! Boring! Boring! Boring! I just cant deal with news stories these days.

Maybe I'm of the belief that there are probably bigger more important new stories out there that need to be told and fixated on. Forget Terry Schiavo whats happening in Iraq? How's the rebuilding going for those dudes in Indonesia and Sri Lanka who had the Tsunami? How is the US economy actually doing? Forget Michael Jackson, how important is that ish.

Anyway that's about all I have to say for now. I'm hoping that by discussing it, I've taken the first step towards slipping out of my news coma. I need to do it soon cause knowing my wife she wouldn't hesitate to pull the plug on me, lol


Unknown said...

i feel you 100% which is why i avoid the corporate media.

I read

and i use those links that they have... hope it helps

courtney said...

awww...Bajan Love. :)

Anonymous said...

i wish i could say the same thing - but sadly i'm the complete opposite. i don't watch the news at all. except what bit i hear on pulse 24 when i'm getting ready in the mornings. my dad mentioned they caught the mississauga rapist - i didn't know there was one. sad, sad, i know.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, what they hype in the news is what they feel is news.

I am not too into our news here as it has become sickening, though I don't think one can simply live in a vacuum in the place that you call home...too many lives just being gunned down by the criminal elements, damn depressing man....sadly, I can't take the I doan care has happened to the country I grew up in!? This is not my Jamaica....BTW, you are not the only one I know who has used the phrase 'Poped out' JDid. Dr. D.

Shana said...

Today's news does one of three things to me it either A-Depresses me B- Scares the Hell out of me or C- makes me paranoid (which actually goes hand in hand with B)

Reality is crazier than the stuff on tv. . .

Jazz said...

i find myself affected by all of it. my brothers in iraq but i can't bring myself to blog about it. i can't stand bush. anyway....sometimes you just have to escape from it all.

Abeni said...

Still addicted to the news.What I do though is strictly switch off when there is an overkill of a story.But I hear you

Scratchie said...

I hear you with the news thing. i don't see why every insignificant item must be a new major headline.

Urban Sista said...

Tings brown when the biggest story is that Britney gonna have a child. I hear you, the news has become monotonous and I blame these damned all news channels that regurgitate the same foolishness every other minute. When the Pope died, boy, CNN did happy enough -- they had an event big enough to carry the channel all day and night.


chrome said...

yeah I know the drizzy man. information overload - repetitive garbage. I'm a news junkie myself but have to turn off everynow and then. just read blogs and listen to tunes.

ps: no worries the hip hop mixes on my blog are gonna be around for a long time. d/l at your leisure.

Matt the Hat said...

Amen dude.

Perhaps we should get together and start a rebal alt news site... use if you like it's just sitting there...

But I'm with you all the way on the duh-news can we not just chop the fingures off of any editor that lets one more Jackson dull one through?

Jdid said...

@iselfra - thanks man
@courtney - hey thanks for visiting, hope you come back again
@4panist - so now all i do is amuse you :-)
@purfiktgurl - well i didnt know about him either
@Dr D - no you cant live in a vaccum but just sometimes it becomes too crazy or you just get annoyed at the news
@starfoxx - exactly the britney story is a perfect example, who cares, its not like someone said she was infertile and then she got pregnant or something like that
@shana - I'm past b and c but a bugs me a bit
@big N - smart chap you see through the veil of deception
@jazz - did not know your brother was in iraq, i hope he's ok
@abeni - thats sort of what i did with terry schiavo and the pope
@scratchie - because trivial things are supposed to distract us from the important issues
@nikki - i'm still laffing at soli's comment that the pope's hat was too big for him and was weighing down his head, lol
@urban sis - CNN is a farce. They just pick a story and beat to death.
@obi - yep i think i'm just in that blog reading mode right now
@matt - chopping fingers off, thats not abad idea. i'm with you all the way

Mad Bull said...

I know exactly what you mean, Jdid... I felt the same way over the O.J. Simpson issue, over Kobe Bryant, over Haiti, over Iraq, etc., etc. I get bored quickly when I hear the same stuff over and over...

Ka said...

Like the new joint jdid.Completely understand your post,i'm on a strict news diet right now,it's just tooo much and way too depressing especially watching/listening to the news at night.