Sunday, April 24, 2005


Caught this news story in the Barbados Daily Nation the other day. For those who wont link its basically a story about how a 22 year old South African decided to streak across the field at Kensington Oval on Thursday on the first day of the West Indies vs South African test. Boy if Kami had gone over two days earlier she would have gotten a bit more bang for her buck so to speak lol. Was going to link a picture but said me no put no naked man on my blog if ya want to see him check the first link above!

Of course the 22 year old was caught by police, spent a night in jail and was fined 3000 dollars for his act of public indecency. Then in today's Nation he apologizes and says he hopes his mother doesn't find out.

I wish he was younger and that his mother could find out and give him a good cut ass. Or that the police had treated him like a terrorist and rough him up and pelt some lashes in him. Send him to Guantanamo. Chupse!

Ok now my question is why do people do dumb ish like this at sporting events. I mean you've seen it done before and you know that the perpetrators are usually caught so why do it? You know that even if the police don't arrest you and charge you then security will at least throw you out of the arena or stadium. So why pay your money to see a game and then get thrown out halfway through it? You have money to waste like that? Are you advertising that you look good in the nude, is this some cool way to attract women that I'm not familiar with, were you hot in your clothes and wanted to cool off? Man if he was hot Brandons beach is just a 5 minute walk away from Kensington so he could have gone for a quick dip at lunch and not missed a ball.

Was it a bet, was he drunk out of your skull? Was the match boring and he wanted to liven it up? Why why why?

Now I know we have prison issues in Barbados lately but I would have had to teach this yout a lesson and deter other would be streakers, prison issues or not. Would have given him at least a week in jail. Argue that all the judges at cricket so he got to chill in the holding cell or something like that. Pure lawlessness that's what it was.

And how come its always guys who streak at these events? Women have more sense nuh? And if I as a man was going to streak why would I streak at an event with 80% men? Ya think most other men want to see you running around naked? Ya think they get a kick from that? We might want to see somebody running around naked but not no other man. Man his rass want pelting with sum bottles or something so.

Actually this particular story is interesting on another level too because it clearly speaks as a case where tourists come to a Caribbean country and think they can get away with crap that they would not necessarily get away with in their own country. They think because we may be a bit more laid back they can break the law and no one will do anything about it. Dat cant work! It naa go so star! When you are in a foreign country find out what's acceptable and what's not. Don't think that you can get away with your b.s just cause you caught a cheap charter down for a few days in the sun.

Same case with the youth that will go down with their stash of weed and then get upset because they get arrested at the airport. You moron, you cant do it in your country what makes you think its acceptable in mine. Learn the rules, read up on where you're going before you leave home, ask questions before doing something, follow the laws or pay the consequences.

P.s: had to post this last part. This was the final paragraph from the initial story of the streaker
Some of his friends captured his daring dash into history on video, while one young woman who was sitting in the Kensington Stand, said she was excited when she saw the youth run out, but was not too impressed with “what little he had to offer”.



Campfyah said...

ah wonder which jail duh put he in.

Did you also notice that the initial news report sey dat it was a first for Barbados. Yuh mean dat we ein neva had a stripper in B'dos before?

and why de stripper always gotta be some scrawny fella, dem couldn't put a Wesley Snipes, or Taye Diggs or even Denzil kinda fella tuh strip fuh we...chuuppse

Jdid said...

@big n - yep i for one doan wanta see no man runnin roun naked at a sports event
@4panist - i got bad knees so I aint bending nuhbody ova nuhwhere
@camp - probably the mainguard it soun like. yea he was the first stripper at a sports event in bim.

Anonymous said...

Eediat! Next time he might have better luck at a nude beach or suppem. Dr. D.