Tuesday, December 14, 2004

One of those days


home computer on the fritz. Cant even start windows. Man I definitely have a love hate relationship with these machines. sigh. But apparently windows\system32\config\system is missing or corrupt is a common xp issue. Wonderful! Oh well hope I can get it fixed sometime but in case I don't I'll be rather scarce the next few weeks.

Anyway was going to keep it rather light today and I'll try but I've just got to address this. Russian fans throwing bananas at a Black Hockey player. Crass really crass. I guess the more things change the more they remain the same for us. I could go on a rampage of stereotypes here, justifiably based on previous experiences but its Christmas so I'm just mentioning this briefly and saying that its pretty sad. Not sure what's with the rise of these actions at sporting events there but its worth keeping an eye on.

Yesterday was the office luncheon. It came it went. First one we've had in 4 years I believe. It was rather quiet nothing eventful to report. Found out about half the staff is jetting off to warmer climes when we go on break in a few days so I'm jealous.

Bought my ham a few days ago. Going to try Dr D's recipe sometime either this week or weekend.

Latest news from Raptor land besides the team sucks is that Vince Carter's wife is expecting a baby. Congrats Vince. Now someone in Raptors land please trade this brother...but not to New York for Allan Houston that's just ludicrous. Oh if you haven't checked it out Solitaire's Vince Carter saga is hilarious especially if you've lived in Toronto and seen Mama Carter run tings. LOL.

Played an hour of squash straight last night. Still motivated by seeing Nas Saturday night lol. Got to get in shape. I'm still tired this morning.

Anyway when I got issues like computer problems its hard for me to focus on the blog and stuff like that. I'm obsessive compulsive about ish like that. So everyone have a great day today and hope the Christmas spirit is upon you.


Abeni said...

No wonder you missing on MSN.Hope you get it fixed soon cos if you like me them things stressful.Machines are supposed to work on cue:)Keep exercising you will just get skinnier!

Melody said...

Jdid, every now and then it might be temptin to feel a false sense of security, like racism is becomin extinct, but really, it's still very much around. Some people just small-minded; that can't change.

Scratchie said...

Hi Jdid, Bwoy I hope you get the compi issue sorted out. I know what it's like not having it around.
With the racism thing, well we don't see that much of it here. Dicriminate is on different levels here, income, background, where you live etc. Guess it's a part of human nature to always hit on anything different. Can't let it get rampant though.
Good luck with the ham.

Anonymous said...

JDid, the racism issue will never leave mankind because of a few narrow minded (and quite possibly stupid) people who perpetrate it. Press on rude bwoy. Sad that it still exists but don't let it hold you down.

Sorry to hear 'bout your computer being sick. Can't help you with doctoring it I'm afraid. Hope it is on the mend soon, I man get pretty addicted to reading your posts.

Listening out to hear about the ham. (Would be nice if you could send couple slices to all of you blog bredrins/sistrens! ;-) Dr. D.